
Organisation of conferences and panels

"Die Österreichische Schule für Nationalökonomie und ihr Umfeld in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Aktuelle Forschung, neue Quellen, interdisziplinäre Perspektiven"
Organization of expert workshop, with David Mayer
University of Vienna
January 25, 2024

Lecture by Clara Mattei (New York, New School): "Can there be capitalism without austerity?"
Organization of event, with David Mayer
University of Vienna
January 24, 2024

"Die mémoire croisée des Exils. Austro-mexikanische Erinnerungsarbeit zum 'Anschluss'-Jubiläum 2018"
Organization of the panel
Conference: Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag 2020
University of Innsbruck
April 16–18, 2020

“Walking Through Walls, Transgressing Frontiers. Border Regimes and Phantom Borders in North America and Central Europe since 1848. 4th Cátedra Internacional Friedrich Katz,” organization of the conference together with Martina Kaller, University of Vienna, October 18–19, 2018

"Historias cruzadas. Nuevas perspectivas a las relaciones entre Austria y México"
Organization of the congress together with the House of History Austria, the Colegio de México, the Austrian Embassy in Mexico and the Mexican Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Instituto Matías Romero, Mexico
February 28–March 1, 2018

“Che in Floridsdorf. Österreichische Konstruktionen Lateinamerikas seit dem 20. Jahrhundert” Organization of the panel
Conference: Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag 2018
University of Vienna
April 5–7, 2018

"Centroamérica en las globalizaciones"
Organization of the panel together with Victor Hugo Acuña and Stefanie Kron
“Entre Espacios: La historia latinoamericana en el contexto global”. XVII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos AHILA
Free University Berlin
September 9-13, 2014

"Cambiar el mundo desde América Latina: circulación de ideas y transferes intelectuales desde 1945"
Organization of the panel together with David Mayer
“Entre Espacios: La historia latinoamericana en el contexto global”. XVII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos AHILA
Free University Berlin
September 9-13, 2014

"EUtROPEs. The Paradox of European Empire"
Coordination of the conference organizing committee
University of Chicago Center, Paris
December 4-6, 2013

"Metropolitan Echoes: Intellectual Relations Between Anti-Colonial Movements and American and European Public Spheres, 1930s-1970s"
Organization of the panel
Geographies of Ideas. Fifth Annual U.S. Intellectual History Conference
University of California, Irvine
November 1-3, 2013

54. International Congress of Americanists
Executive Secretary General, coordination of the Organizing Committee
University of Vienna
July 17-24, 2012

"Friedrich Katz and the Mexican Revolution"
Key Note: Claudio Lominitz
Panelists: Marianne Braig, Javier Garciadiego, Emilio Kourí, Enrique Semo
Organization and Moderation: Berthold Molden
Plenary event at the 54. International Congress of Americanists
University of Vienna
July 16, 2012

"Tales of suffering and revolution. Victimhood and political agency as contradictory configurations in collective memory"
Organisation of the panel
Weissbourd Conference of the Society of Fellows
University of Chicago
May 6-7, 2011

"Politics of Memory between Local Differentiation and Global Alignments"
Organisation of the panel, chair, with Stephan Scheuzger
Third European Congress of World and Global History "Connections and Comparisons"
London School of Economics and Political Science
April 11-14, 2011

"Bordered Identities? History and Memory in (Post-)Cold War Central and Eastern Europe"
Organisation of the panel, chair
VIII World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies
July 26-31, 2010

"Modos de referirse al pasado en América Latina y Europa: transferes e interdependencias"
Organisation of the panel, chair, with David Mayer
Independencias – Dependencias – Interdependencias. VI Congreso del Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales sobre América Latina (CEISAL)
Université Tolouse Le Mirail
June 30 - July 3, 2010

"Europäische Erinnerungskulturen zwischen nationalen und transnationalen Perspektiven"
Organisation of the panel, with Christian Gerbel and Katrin Hammerstein
Update! Perspektiven der Zeitgeschichte. Österreichische Zeitgeschichte-Tage 2010
University of Vienna
May 25-28, 2010

"Border Regimes as Political Governance: Living at the Iron Curtain in Austria, CSSR and East Germany"
Organisation of the panel
33rd Annual Conference of the German Studies Association
Washington D.C.
October 8-11, 2009

"Österreichische Gedächtnislandschaft: Zu Phänomenologie und Erinnerungstektonik identitätsstiftender Diskurse in der Zweiten Republik"
Organisation of the panel together with Christian Gerbel
Kulturgeschichtetag 2009
September 12-15, 2009

"Von Habsburg nach Schengen. Grenzerfahrungen in Mitteleuropa vor und nach 1989"
Organisation of the panel together with the Austrian Cultural Forum Berlin
Geschichtsforum 09
Humboldt University
May 28-31, 2009

"Piraten der Karibik? Soziale Bewegungen in Lateinamerika", feat. Greg Grandin
Organisation together with Thomas Fritz, Jens Kastner and David Mayer
Symposium at the Adult Education Center Favoriten, in cooperation with Wiener Vorlesungen
October 10-11, 2008

"Las políticas hacia el pasado en América Latina: perspectivas internacionales y transnacionales"
Organisation and chair of the panel together with Stephan Scheuzger, ETH Zurich
1808-2008: Crisis y Problemas en el Mundo Atlántico. XV Congreso Internacional de AHILA
University of Leiden
August 26-29, 2008

"Friedens-, Gerechtigkeits- und Versöhnungsprozesse in Lateinamerika"
Organisation and chair of the workshop together with Josephina Echavarría
24th conference of the Working Group of Austrian Latinamericanists
Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung St. Wolfgang, Strobl am Wolfgangsee
May 30 - June 1, 2008

"1961 as a Key-Event of the Cold War"
Workshop of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres
May 24-26, 2007

Special Lecture "EU und Lateinamerika zwischen Gipfel und Gegengipfel: Zwischenstaatliche Politik und zivilgesellschaftliche Alternativstrategien"
With Wolfgang Dietrich, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, Leo Gabriel and Blancanieve Portocarrero
Task: Conception, organisation und moderation
August 27, 2006
European Forum Alpbach 2006: "Suche nach Gewissheit und Sicherheit"
August 17 - September 2, 2006

"Transnational Historiography, National Public Spheres? Concepts for Research in Contemporary History, Public Sphere and Visual Culture"
Transdisciplinary workshop of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres in cooperation with the University of Vienna
May 12-13, 2006

Papers presented at conferences and workshops

"Handelskammer, Arbeiterkammer und die Gründung des Österreichischen Instituts für Konjunkturforschung"
Workshop: Die Österreichische Schule für Nationalökonomie und ihr Umfeld in der Zwischenkriegszeit. Aktuelle Forschung, neue Quellen, interdisziplinäre Perspektiven
University of Vienna
January 25, 2024

“No Exile on Ring Street. KommunistInnen und Österreich zwischen 1933 und 1938, am Beispiel von Bronja und Leo Katz.”
Conference: Exil in Österreich: 1918–1938. Internationale Tagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Exilforschung
University of Vienna
November 29 – December 1, 2023

"Combative Memory. Mnemonic Hegemony Theory and the History of Tricontinentalism"
Invited paper at the symposium: Remembering a Tricontinental Past
Online. Organized by the academic network "Human Rights From the Global South"
April 9, 2022

"Central America and Global History"
Keynote at the conference: The Nicaraguan Revolution (1979). Perspectives from Global History
University of Vienna
October 24–25, 2019

"1989 – ein (österreichischer) Gedächtnisort?"
Invited lecture at the conference: 1989. Politik – Wirtschaft – Erinnerung
Niederösterreichische Landesbibliothek
October 16, 2019

"campesinos / terroristas. Genozid-Erinnerung und Landkonflikt in Guatemala"
Conference: Annual conference of Lateinamerikaforschung Österreich (LAF Austria)
Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung, Strobl
May 17–19, 2019

“The Southern Struggle for Global justice. Anti-colonial Politics of History Before the Neoliberal Turn”
Conference: Criminalising Violent Pasts: Multiple Roots and Forgotten Pathways: 1950s – 2010s
London South Bank University
November 15–16, 2018

“Border Boy. The Frontiers of Friedrich Katz.”
Conference: Walking Through Walls, Transgressing Frontiers. Border Regimes and Phantom Borders in North America and Central Europe since 1848. 4th Cátedra Internacional Friedrich Katz
University of Vienna
October 18–19, 2018

"Flüchtige Figuren. Zur Spurensicherung weiblichen Handelns in Familienbiografien"
Paper at the panel "Auto/Biografie, Geschlecht und Zeitgeschichte in Relation"
Congress: Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag 2018
University of Vienna
April 5–7, 2018

“Mexiko 2018: Aktuelle Entwicklungen einer aufstrebenden Wirtschaftsmacht”
Keynote at the seminar “Im Fokus MEXIKO. Mobilität, Umwelt & Energie Chancen & Herausforderungen am mexikanischen Markt"Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Graz
February 12, 2018

“The Homogenous Hero as Villainous Victim: Incantations of (Self-)Liberation and National Unity in Austrian Politics”
Lecture at the seminar: Politisierungen von Kunst. Perspektiven und Widerstände
University of Fine Arts, Vienna
January 25, 2018

"Gekreuzte Geschichten: Österreich und Mexiko im Gedächtnis des 20. Jahrhunderts"
27. Werkstattgespräch des Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich
Diplomatische Akademie, Vienna
November 21, 2017

"Das marginale 1917. Zur globalen Polyzentrik eines Epochenjahrs"
Keynote at the conference "Umbruchsphase 1917–? Erodierende Machtstrukturen und Verschiebung von Loyalitäten"
University of Graz
October 20, 2017

"Die Familie Katz entre espacios. Exilerfahrungen in Paris, New York und Mexiko (1933–1949)"
Cátedra Internacional Friedrich Katz
Free University Berlin
June 26, 2017

"Ecos y memorias del telegrama Zimmermann: análisis de un lieu de mémoire periférico"
Sociedad civil y culturas de resistencia en México y Alemania: La recuperación de la memoria y los pasados presentes en la historia y la literatura
Universidad de Guadalajara
March 2–3, 2017

"Post-WWII Communist intellectual transfers across the Iron Curtain"
The Transnational Approaches to Modern Europe Workshop
University of Chicago
February 22, 2017

"Of Rabbis and Revolutionaries. The Cosmocommunism of the Katz Family"
Presentation at the seminar "Red Biography: The Significance of Communist Life-Histories in Global Perspective"
Indiana University at Bloomington
February 2, 2017

“Das lange 20. Jahrhundert als globalgeschichtliche Periodisierung. Grenzen und Möglichkeiten”
Conference: Konstruktive Unruhe. Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag
University of Graz
June 9–11, 2016

"Reloading Pancho Villa: Mexico's Current Place in the Global History of Revolutions"
Mexican Studies Seminar
University of Chicago
April 5, 2016

"Global History avant la lettre. The impact of Friedrich Katz on current research about World War One"
Cátedra Internacional Friedrich Katz
University of Chicago
October 30, 2015

"¿Divulgación de la revolución? El impacto de experiencias latinoamericanas en el anti-imperialismo internacionalista de los años 60: México, Guatemala, Cuba"
"Entre Espacios: La historia latinoamericana en el contexto global". XVII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos AHILA
Free University Berlin
September 9-13, 2014

"Las guerras centroamericanas y los transferes globales de la memoria"
"Entre Espacios: La historia latinoamericana en el contexto global". XVII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Historiadores Latinoamericanistas Europeos AHILA
Free University Berlin
September 9-13, 2014

"Friedrich Katz: A Transatlantic Life Through the Fault Lines of the 20th Century"
Annual Marshall Plan Lecture
University of New Orleans
March 9, 2014

"Mnemonic Hegemony? The Power Relations of Contemporary European Memory"
EUtROPEs. The Paradox of European Empire
University of Chicago Center, Paris
December 4-6, 2013

"Non-Alignment at the Iron Curtain. Austria and the Global South"
Geographies of Ideas. Fifth Annual U.S. Intellectual History Conference
University of California, Irvine
November 1-3, 2013

"Resistant Pasts. The Intellectual History of Global Anticolonialism"
Institute for Global Studies, University of Minnessota
April 11, 2013

"Günther Anders as a Transnational Intellectual in the 1960"
The Life and Work of G?nther Anders: Émigré, Iconoclast, Philosopher, Literateur
University of New Orleans
March 14-15, 2013

"Can Anticommunism Be Neutral? Austria's Media during the Cold War"
Annual Marshall Plan Lecture
University of New Orleans
March 6, 2013

"Echoes of a Double-Crisis: The Berlin Wall and Cuban Missiles in Political Discourse after 1989"
When the Superpowers Almost Unleashed Nuclear War. Historians and the Cuban Missile Crisis: 50 Years Later
University of New Orleans
October 30, 2012

Commentator for the workshop
"Empire and Solidarity in the Americas"
University of New Orleans
October 12-13, 2012

"Mnemonic Hegemony in Europe? Master narratives of the European Union and the Contradictory Memories of the Cold War after 1989"
"Memory & ...." Interdisciplinary Discussion series
Davidson College, North Carolina
April 21, 2011

"The Global Memory of Anticolonial Activism"
Third European Congress of World and Global History "Connections and Comparisons"
London School of Economics
April 11-14, 2011

"Competing Memories of the Cold War in Europe: Public Politics of History and Communicative Memory after 1989"
Center Austria, University of New Orleans
March 21, 2011

"Antikoloniale Geschichtspolitik. Eine globale Diskursgeschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts"
Lecture series:
Forum Zeitgeschichte: Aktuelle Fragestellungen und Ergebnisse
Institute for Contemporary History
University of Innsbruck
November 28, 2010

"'Presse und Rundfunk unterstehen nicht dem Neutralitätsgesetz'. Zur Ideologiegeschichte österreichischer Medien im Kalten Krieg"
Internationale Zone: Wien im Kalten Krieg
International Research Center for Cultural Sciences
October 20-21, 2010

"Heretic Politics of History in the Global 1960s: New Left and Anti-Colonial Internationalism at the Belgrade Conference, 1961, the Tricontinental Conference in Havana, 1966, and the Copenhagen Russell Tribunal, 1967"
34th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association
Oakland, California
October 7-10, 2010

"The Politics of History of Anticolonial Activism"
The Memory of Labour. 46th International Conference of Labour and Social History
Linz, Austria
September 9-12, 2010

"Western Perspectives on the Iron Curtain: West German, Austrian and Italian Perceptions"
VIII World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies
July 26-31, 2010

"Hacia una historia global de las políticas de la historia"
Independencias – Dependencias – Interdependencias. VI Congreso del Consejo Europeo de Investigaciones Sociales sobre América Latina (CEISAL)
Université Tolouse Le Mirail
June 30 - July 3, 2010

"Transnationale Repräsentationsmuster im Gedächtnis des Kalten Krieges"
Update! Perspektiven der Zeitgeschichte. Österreichische Zeitgeschichte-Tage 2010
University of Vienna
May 25-28, 2010

"Holocaust-Diskurs im Kontext des Vietnam Krieges"
We are ugly, but we have the music. Jüdische Identität und Subkultur in den Jahren 1967–77 zwischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung und Punk
Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
April 22-24, 2010

"Die US-amerikanische Lateinamerika-Politik unter der Obama Administration"
Lecture and panel discussion with MP Petry Bayer
Wiener Bildungsorganisation, SPÖ (Social Democratic Party of Austria)
April 15, 2010

"Globalgeschichte der Geschichtspolitik"
Lecture series:
Geschichte am Mittwoch
Department of History
University of Vienna
March 17, 2010

"Gruppenspezifik im Globalgedächtnis. Theoretische und methodische Grundgedanken einer Globalgeschichte der Geschichtspolitik"
Workshop: "Entgrenztes Gedächtnis"
Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung
December 18, 2009

Panel discussion "From the Fall of the Berlin Wall to the Fall of Wall Street: a glance to 20 years of ideological, social and economic change in Europe"
Focus 1989, EUNIC
November 15, 2009

"Leben am Ende der (freien) Welt. Der Eiserne Vorhang in Geschichte und Gedächtnis der österreichischen Grenzstadt Gmünd"
Die tschechisch-bayerische Grenze im Kalten Krieg in vergleichender Perspektive. Politische, ökonomische und soziokulturelle Dimensionen
University of Regensburg
November 6-7, 2009

"Cold War Memory at European Borders"
20 Jahre politischer Umbruch in Mittel- und Osteuropa
University of Babes-Bolyai
November 5-6, 2009

Paper at the panel "Socio-economic changes since 1989 and their consequences for the cultural sector: Hopes, fears and expectations"
Cultural Networks in the East/West-Context, EUNIC
October 28, 2009

Panel discussion "Crossing the Borders in Europe. The Iron Curtain Memory Twenty Years After"
Jagiellonian University
October 19, 2009

"Cold War Memory at European Borders"
Key note
Border and Identity in Komárom/Komárno between 1945 and 2004
University of J. Selye
October 15, 2009

"Life at the End of the (Free) World: the Austrian Border Town of Gmünd"
Paper at the panel "Border Regimes as Political Governance: Living at the Iron Curtain in Austria, CSSR and East Germany"
33. Annual Conference of the German Studies Association
Washington D.C.
October 8-11, 2009

"Before the Wall Came Down: The Iron Curtain between Austria and Hungary Collapses"
The Fall of the Iron Curtain
Baptist University
Hong Kong
September 24, 2009

"Das kalte Gedächtnis des Kalten Krieges in Österreich. Anmerkungen zu einer Auslassung"
Paper at the panel “Österreichische Gedächtnislandschaft: Zu Phänomenologie und Erinnerungstektonik identitätsstiftender Diskurse in der Zweiten Republik“
Kulturgeschichtetag 2009
University of Linz
September 12-15, 2009

"First tears in the Iron Curtain: Austrian perceptions and reactions"
The Eastern Refugees in 1989. Der Auftakt einer europäischen Revolution
Felix Kreissler-Research Center for Austrian-French Relations at the Diplomatic Academy Vienna / Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres
June 23, 2009

"Vom Ende der (Freien) Welt zum Herzen Europas? Das österreichische Grenzland im Osten und die Beziehungen zu seinen Nachbarn im 20. Jahrhundert"
Paper at the panel "Von Habsburg nach Schengen. Grenzerfahrungen in Mitteleuropa vor und nach 1989"
Geschichtsforum 09
Humboldt University
May 28-31, 2009

Chair and commentator for the workshop
"Was zeigt sich im Archiv und im Feld? Zum Vetorecht des Realen"
International Research Center for Cultural Sciences
April 22-24, 2009

"'A room full of empty signifiers'. Auf der Suche nach dem globalen Gedächtnis"
International Research Center for Cultural Sciences
March 23, 2009

"Borders of Memory: Transnational Frames of Reference and the Memory of the Cold War in Europe"
Paper at the panel „Entangled Histories, Divided Memories? Remembering the Cold War in Border Communities“
14th Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities. Imagined Communities, Real Conflicts and National Identities
New York, Columbia University
April 23-25, 2009

"Kalter Krieg und Eiserner Vorhang im Mediendiskurs europäischer Grenzorte. Das Beispiel BRD-DDR" (with Alena Pfoser)
Europa auf dem Prüfstand: Demokratie-, Öffentlichkeits- und Identitätsdefizit der Europäischen Union
foeg/University of Zurich
February 12-13, 2009

"European Identities after the Cold War. A Comparative Perspective"
Multiple identities in Europe. How to be Slovak, Hungarian and European at the same time
Conference of the ERSTE Foundation in cooperation with the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres
October 15, 2008

"The Cold War in the European Memory Matrix"
Clashes in European Memory: The Case of Communist Repression and the Holocaust
Conference of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres
University of Chicago Center, Paris
September 22-24, 2008

"Memorias entrelazadas: tendencias transnacionales en debates sobre la historia en América Latina"
1808-2008: Crisis y Problemas en el Mundo Atlántico. XV Congreso Internacional de AHILA
University Leiden, Netherlands
August 26-29, 2008

"The Global and the Empty Signifier. Critical Remarks on Universalism in Social Memory Studies"
Paper at the panel "Theoretical Problems of Globalization"
Second European Congress for World and Global History
University of Dresden
June 4, 2008

“Vietnam und der Holocaust. Die transnationalen Proteste gegen den Vietnamkrieg als Wende im Genoziddiskurs”
Paper at the panel "Weltwende 1968? Ein Jahr in globalgeschichtlicher Perspektive"
Österreichischer Zeitgeschichtetag 2008
University of Innsbruck
May 29, 2008

"A Global Framework of Memory? Critical Remarks on New Universalism in the Social Sciences"
Lunch Talk at the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara
May 21, 2008

"European Cold War History in the Global Memory Matrix"
Paper in the Lecture Series of the Center for Cold War Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara,
May 7, 2008

"Public Intellectuals and the Vietnam War. Sartre, the 1967 Russell Tribunal and Beyond"
Guest lecture in the lecture series “Human Rights Violations and the Ethics of Witnessing” by Esther Lezra, Department of History
University of California, Santa Barbara
April 30, 2008

"Vietnam and the Holocaust. Transnational protest against the Vietnam War as a turning point in discourse on genocide"
Memories in an age of globalization
International Research Center for Cultural Sciences
March 6-8, 2008

"Life at the 'Better End of the World': Polyphonic Memory of the Cold War in Gmünd, Austria"
Paper at the panel "Border-Perceptions on Both Sides of the Iron Curtain: A Case Study in at the Czech-Austrian Border"
ICCEES Regional European Congress, Berlin
August 2-4, 2007

"The Berlin Wall In Local Memory (Sub)Cultures Along the Iron Curtain. The Case Study Gmünd / Ceské Velenice"
1961 as a Key-Event of the Cold War. Workshop of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres
May 24-26, 2007

"Polyphonic Perspectives on the Communist Past: Politics of History after 1989"
Culture, Politics and History in Contemporary Latvia
Organized by schnittpunkt. exhibition theory & praxis in cooperation with the University of Applied Arts Vienna
April 27, 2007

Panel discussion "Lateinamerika trifft Europa. Die Perspektiven auf den EU-Lateinamerika-Gipfel in Wien aus der Sicht der österreichischen Lateinamerika-Forschung"
22nd conference of the Working Group of Austrian Latinamericanists
Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung St. Wolfgang, Strobl am Wolfgangsee
June 16-18, 2006

"The History Highway ‘Cold War’: Bordering European Identity"
Transnational Historiography, National Public Spheres? Concepts for Research in Contemporary History, Public Sphere and Visual Culture
Transdisciplinary workshop of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres in cooperation with the University of Vienna
May 12-13, 2006

Representative of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres at the workshop "Perspectivas de las futuras relaciones de la UE con ALC"
Real 2006: Europe-Latin America Relations and the issues of Poverty, Development and Democracy. Scientific preparatory meeting to the IV. EU-LAC-Summit
Diplomatic Academy / Wirtschaftskammer

"Historische Narrative als Funktionen aktueller Politik in Lateinamerikas Übergangsgesellschaften"
Geschichte der Geschichtspolitik
Conference of the working group Politik und Geschichte of the German Association of Political Sciences, Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand
November 18-19, 2005

Rapporteur and commentator at the conference “Memoria e Historia”
International workshop of the Asociación para el Avance de las Ciencias Sociales
Guatemala City
September 26-30, 2005

Conference "Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ten Years of Dayton and Beyond"
Member of the core team of ambassador Dr. Wolfgang Petritsch:
- Rapporteur in three workshops
- Co-writing of the conference report
- Networking for the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for European History and Public Spheres concerning the research project “Memory Clashes? Determinants of International Engagement and Local Politics in Bosnia and Herzegovina since the late 1980s”
October 20-21, 2005

"El potencial transatlántico de los 'Estudios de Posconflicto'"
Europa-América: paralelismos en la distancia. XIV Congreso Internacional de AHILA
University Jaume I, Castellón
September 20-24, 2005

"'No sé muy bien en qué consiste el realismo visceral. Tengo diecisiete años'. Die guatemaltekische Subkultur der 1990er Jahre als un(?)politische Antisystemik"
21st conference of the Working Group of Austrian Latinamericanists
Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung St. Wolfgang, Strobl am Wolfgangsee
May 20-25, 2005